
After some recent feedback about the contents of our videos, we decided to give the entire concept a bit of a new spin. How else than by giving it a good tongue-in-cheek approach!

Given the limited wardrobe, sub-par camera skills and motivation fueled mainly by Jack Daniels and Baileys respectively, we set out to try something different. The result can be seen on YouTube and has seemingly turned a few frowns upside down. Pellie: “I’m not an actor, but it was really fun doing three different characters, all of which interact with each other.“.

Two other videos are currently being shot and edited using more or less the same style, but with a little more emphasis on the interaction.

The Oriental [videoclip] was cobbled together and released in a rush as we were trying to keep it a weekly thing, as we’ve done for over a year now. Unfortunately, Ody didn’t make it into the cut due to time constraints, but he’s firmly in the next one!” Pellie said, “The funniest bit to me is that, while I clown around doing the two guitar parts, I still get to laugh as the bass player!”.

To be continued!

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